

Creating an inspiring and functional workplace can be likened to a craft. There are many parameters that come into play and a pleasant office environment reflects as much the company’s identity, as its brand and values. Spectrum Architects’ vision was to create an office where nature and people meet. For Plantagen the brand has to be included in all the different parts of the business – including the office. In the work process, it became important to weave in the feeling of nature, vegetation and warmth that is reflected in the company’s identity. During the project, Spectrum Arkitekter worked closely with Plantagen’s CEO and marketing department to ensure that the office’s identity and character carried the same story as other parts of Plantagen’s brand identity.

“GOD IS IN THE DETAILS” A consistent feature of Plantagen are the elements in brass. The feet in solid wood, the tactile tabletop with furniture linoleum and the floor-screens are adorned with details, inspired by coins, in machined and solid brass. This contributes to elegance and an exclusive impression for the whole environment.

“Vi är oerhört stolta över samarbetet med Ragnars och Plantagen och får feedback från dem att de trivs och att kontoret har en dragningskraft, människor vill vara där! Plantagens kontor är ovanligt sammanhållet runt den identitet och karaktär som är Plantagen. Här spelar alla olika delar in; matta, kulörer, växter, materialval – och framför allt möblerna.“ Spectrum Arkitekter